Archive | June, 2012

My last exam

29 Jun

Dzisiaj kr贸tko. Zestaw, w kt贸rym wybra艂am si臋 na egzamin 馃檪 Rano mogli艣cie zobaczy膰 zdj臋cie na Fan Page’u, po kt贸rym posypa艂o si臋 mn贸stwo maili z pytaniami. Dlatego te偶 postanowi艂am przybli偶y膰 Wam troch臋 set. Niestety brak kogokolwiek w domu zmusi艂 mnie do zrobienia聽zdj臋膰聽samodzielnie. Mam nadziej臋, 偶e nie jest jednak tak 藕le 馃檪 Enjoy !







Softness of Peach Color

19 Jun

Alcuni abiti emanano dolcezza, morbidezza, leggerezza. Sono abitini sottili, dai colori pastello. E’ ci貌 che, alcune volte, vorrei riuscire a trasmettere attraverso le foto. Quella delicatezza, quella di un velo trasparente ed impalpabile. La morbidezza del color pesca e la dolcezza di un abitino svasato. Spero di esserci riuscita e sono curiosa di avere i vostri commenti!

Some dresses radiate sweetness, softness and lightness. They are soft dresses, with pastel colors. Sometimes 聽I’d like to communicate it throught my photos. The delicacy of a transparent veil. The softeness of peach color and sweetness of a princess dress. I hope you can see it throught my photos. Can’t wait to read your comments!


12 Jun
聽Assuming that dress, even with heels, I feel sometimes like a maid. Quite comical feeling. However, the trend combination of black and white more or less promoted by Emporio Armani, Jason Wu, or Oscar de la Renta allows an elegant feel. Let’s put aside the association with childhood, when moms carefully prepared the white shirts and pleated skirts to start the school year for their children. This combination of colors is timeless, so I’m like most of it! This dress is my next booty brought from Dublin (with coat) 馃檪
Zak艂adaj膮c t膮 sukienk臋, nawet z obcasami czuj臋 si臋 czasami jak pokoj贸wka. Do艣膰 komiczne uczucie. Jednak偶e trend po艂膮czenia bieli i czerni promowany przez聽 Emporio Armani, Jasona Wu czy Oscara de la Renty pozawala poczu膰 si臋 elegancko. Na bok od艂贸偶my skojarzenia z lat dziecinnych, kiedy mamy starannie przygotowywa艂y bia艂e koszule i plisowane sp贸dniczki na rozpocz臋cie roku szkolnego. Takie po艂膮czenie kolorystyczne jest ponadczasowe, wi臋c ja jestem jak najbardziej na tak! Ta sukienka, to m贸j kolejny 艂up przywieziony z Dublina (wraz z p艂aszczykiem) Obejrze膰 ju偶 j膮 mogli艣cie w wywiadzie TUTAJ 馃檪

Floral flowers

12 Jun

The floral print trend is staying with us for a while now – looking best in the all-over version [by the way: I bought that pants recently]. It may look even prettier, when the top and bottom do not have the same print, lke here and here.

My floral tops, unfortunately do notgo well with my pants and that’s why I’ve decided to combine a sweater in a trend color tangerine.
I am so much into my floral Versace for H&M bracelet (which is in fact a necklace!), that I combine it to almost every outfit lately.